Inmarsat I Sat 2
A Tough phone for a tough world
Africa Vouchers with 365 Day Validity
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Our Opinion
Switching from the IsatPHone Pro to the all new IsatPhone 2 is a great idea!
Firstly, registering the phone on the network is faster.
The phone is powerful, dependable, with an excellent battery life.
Operating on the most reliable satellite communications network in the world – with affordable ad flexible airtime vouchers
Make sure you test your IsatPhone 2 by following these four easy steps:
- Extend the antenna upwards
- Wait until “Ready for Service” is displayed
- Dial full number, including international code
- Press green button to call
To test your IsatPhone 2 free of charge, please dial +87077 6999 999
Ready to Purchase your own Inmarsat Isatphone 2.1
20 Minute Voucher
Africa Plan – 365 Day Validity
Global Plan – Not Available
50 Minute Voucher
Africa Plan – 365 Day Validity
Global Plan – Not Available
100 Minute Voucher
Africa Plan – 365 Day Validity
Global Plan – 180 day Validity
250 Minute Voucher
Africa Plan – 365 Day Validity
Global Plan – 365 day Validity
500 Minute Voucher
Africa Plan – 365 Day Validity
Global Plan – 365 day Validity